Citation V / V Ultra

Citations are light jets with slightly smaller, yet well stocked cabins, than the mid-size aircraft. With high altitude weather avoiding capability, external and internal baggage capacity and shorter runway requirements the Citation V/V Ultra offer the discriminate traveler significant flexibility for a variety of destinations.


Citation V

Tail Number: N560CF
Passengers: 8
Baggage: 41 cubic feet
Speed: 460 mph
Max Range: 1,400 nm
Cabin Dimensions: L: 17.3' W: 4.9' H: 4.8'


Citation V Ultra

Tail Number: N555WL
Passengers: 8
Baggage: 67 cubic feet
Speed: 480 mph
Max Range: 1,600 nm
Cabin Dimensions: L: 17.3' W: 4.9' H: 4.8'




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